No. Address
Date : 5th May 2016
Attn to :
No. Address
RE :Renewal
of Rental For Premises Know as ADDRESS
The above captioned refers.
Further to the above, we wish to thank you for support and confidence
during the year and are pleased with your intention to renew the rental for the
aforesaid premises for further term of one year from DATE to DATE.
In view of the above, we are pleased to offer to you the renewal of
rental at the same rate and all terms and conditions as stipulated in the said
Tenancy Agreement dated DATE.
We appreciate your continuous presence and we look forward to your
confirmation on the renewals.
Kindly sign on a duplicate copy of this letter and return the same to us
for our record purposes.
Your faithfully, Acknowledgement
hereby unconditionally
the above terms and
LANDLORD Name :…………………………..
Date :………………………….